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Workingholiday Japan/ 일본 워킹홀리데이 합격 사유서/ 도쿄 워홀 본문

알뜰 여행 정보

Workingholiday Japan/ 일본 워킹홀리데이 합격 사유서/ 도쿄 워홀

Thogson 2017. 4. 5. 17:30

안녕하세요. 살림왕 똑순이입니다. 일본 워킹홀리데이 준비하느라 바쁘시죠. 준비해야 할 서류가 참 많아요. 그래도 서류만 잘 준비하면, 비자 겟하실 수 있을 거에요. 인터뷰도 안보잖아요. ㅎㅎ 제기 이번에 준비한 것은 일본 워킹홀리데이 비자를 위한 서류 중, 사유서입니다. 왜 일본 워킹홀리데이를 하려고 하는지, 그리고 워킹홀리데이 비자가 왜 필요한 건지 언급하셔야 돼는데요. 의도가 있든 없던 "돈에 목적을 두시면 안됍니다." 저는 여행에 초점을 맞춰서, 3개월 무비자 여행은 일본을 경험하기에 짧다. 그래서 1년짜리 일본 워킹홀리데이 비자가 필요하다는 식으로 썼어요. 대부분 그렇게 쓰셨을 거 같에요. 이게 진정한 워킹홀리데이 취지이니까. 너무 솔직하게, 속보이게 쓰는 건 비자 거절 사유랍니다.

*아래는 제가 쓴 사유서입니다. 저는 영문으로 썼습니다.

(여성분들 서류에 벚꽃 프린트하고 난리나시던데, 굳이 그게 필요할까요?)

The reasons to apply for Working-holiday in Japan

Most of all, I want to have trip to Japan.

 Japan is one of the most popular countries to worldwide tourists. That’s because it has a lot of historic heritages and distinctive cultures which make it even richer to travel in Japan. Even for me, it is very attractive to visit and experience. But it is hard and limited to understand all about Japan with short-term trips. Therefore, this visa would be perfect to compensate for this limitation, because for a year, I can have a trip throughout the whole region of Japan; From Kyushu to Hokkaido. I really want to explore the great natural landscapes in Japan like Fujisan, Tokyo bay, etc. They are very different from Korean ones more than we think usually. Japan has lots of high-altitude mountains and beautiful seashores. I want to directly feel these through my skin. That’s why I’m applying for this visa. It would be a great opportunity in my life to have a trip in Japan.

Why I need Working-holiday visa?

 As I mentioned above, to feel and understand everything of Japan, I need a long-term visa to stay for over a year, I think. Also, for a long-term trip, economic support is of enormous importance. But by allowing to do part-time jobs, I can get over the money shortage during the trips. In addition, working with local people, I can communicate with Japanese who live in local places, and so I deeper understand their life and culture. Not only this, but I can get Japanese skill more naturally. Working-holiday visa has these kinds of strengths to make the trip in Japan reliable and rich. Eventually, I need to take advantage of the visa.

If necessary, what kind of job I am supposed to do?

  Definitely, I would face the point that the money for the trip is lacking. To continue the trip, I need to do part-time job. By the way, I don’t care about whether I should do a certain job only. Whatever’s ok, if I can communicate with the local people and keep the trips on. I just like people and like to talk to them, so if it can be allowed, I could do any jobs, you know. What I just hope is to meet the no-money point as late as possible.

Return to Korea with a firmer goal in my life

  After the 1 year in Japan, I am going to come back my home. I would become different from who I was and become more grown up. I want to make a story that I had experience in Japan. I think there are some people who are thirsty, wanting to listen to my story. To them, I delivery my voice and story and make them moved and touched. I just want to convey the exact information about Japan, break the prejudices about it and tell the people the story for them to understand deeper Japan and Japanese.

무조건적인 복사는 여러분에게 손해인 거 아시죠? 참고하셔서 자신만의 이야기 만드시길 바래요. 그게 영사관 직원에게 진정으로 통하는 바입니다. 유학원 통해서 비자 발급 많이 받으시는데, 서비스에 비해 받는 돈은 크다고 생각해요. 혼자 충분히 준비하실 수 있으니까. 혼자 해 버릇하세요. 워홀 시작하는 순간 여러분의 경험은 혼자 해쳐나가야 하니까요. 건투를 빌어요.

모두 일본 워킹홀리데이 비자 겟하길 바래요. 여기도 벚꽃~
